Spiritual Practices for the Seeker

Life Support for the Seeker

Recite Madad Al-Haqq 200 times.

The Daily Awrad  (Spiritual Practices)

1.    3X-Shahada three times;
2.    7OX -Astaghfirullah
3.    1X- Fatiha one time with the intention of participating in the blessings sent down with it when it was revealed in Makka.
4.    Amana-r-Rasul (Surat 2, verses 285-286), one time. Whoever recites this ayat, will attain a high rank and a great position. He will get the Safety of al-Aman, in this world and the next.
5.    7X- Inshira (Surah 94) 7 times.
6.    11X- Ikhlas (Surah 112) 11 times. Whoever recites this Surah, must obtain the tajalli of the two Names of Glory, al-Ahad (the One), and as-Samad (the Eternal). Anyone who reads it, must get a portion of this tajalli.
7.    1X- Falaq (Surah 113) 1 time;
8.    1X- Nas (Surah 114) 1 time. {Reality Insan Kamel}
9.    10X- La ilaha illallah completing it with Muhammadun Rasulullah;
10.           10X- Salawat ash-sharifa 10 times
11.           Ihda, presenting the reward of the above recitation to the Prophet (s) and to the Shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Tariqat;
12.           Sit on the knees, meditating on the connection (rabitah) to your Shaykh, from your Shaykh to the Prophet (s) and from the Prophet (s) to the Divine Presence, reciting
13.           3X- "Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq" three times;
14.           1500 Min. X-Dhikr of the Glorious Name 'Allah, Allah' 5000 times by tongue, 5000 times by heart;
15.           300X- Praising the Prophet (s) through salawat 500 times, and on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays 1000 times.
16.           100X- Surah Iklas or 1/30 Juz-one-thirthieth of the Qur'an (juz), or instead Ikhlas 100 times;
17.           100X- Salawat Nabi or one chapter of Dalail al-Khairat or instead salawat 100 times;


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