The Song of Love

Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem, Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem, Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem.

Allahumma salli wa sallim ala, nabyina Muhammad alayhis salam.
Salatan tadumu wa tughda ilayh, mammarra layali wa tu la dawam.

The raindrops, rivers, and oceans. The leaves, the branches, and the trees. The grass, the ground, and the earth.The nucleons, the electrons, and the atoms. The solar system, galaxies, and all the heavenly universes. The Jinns, Mankind, and the Angels. Everything is in praise to the Lord of the Worlds, Allah, Glory and Praise be to Him, and is sending blessings on the Holy Prophet (saws).

O Allah! Exalt Muhammad with blessings that deliver us from every fear, and by means of them fulfill our every need, and purify us by means of them from every sin, and by means of them raise us to the highest stations, and by means of them make us attain the furthest degrees in all that is good in this life and in the life after death.

In this month of Rabi'ul Awwal, we should increase our reciting of salawat/durood on the Holy Prophet (saws) to at least 100x minimum everyday anytime.

Allah Almighty says in the quran: "In Allaha wa malaikatahu yusalluna alanabi, Ya ayyuhalazina amanu was sallimu taslima." Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Nabee (Prophet). You who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. [Holy Quran: Al Ahzab Chapter 33]

So it is an obligation for us to ask for blesings upon Allah's Beloved One, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws)
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala alihi Muhammadin was sallim.
O Allah! Send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Allahu Ya Rahman.
Ya Allah, Ya Raheem, Ya Allahu Ya Raheem.

Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq.
Allahu Allahu Allahu Haqq.

For the honour of the Prophet (saws), the righteous Companions, the Prophets and Messengers, the four Imams, our Shaykhs in the Naqshbandi Path, and all the righteous!



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