O' Muhammad (saws)! If it were not for you, there would be no Heavens nor Earth!

Blessings, peace, happiness and contentment, satisfaction and gratification, and immense love of Allah Almighty be upon the Holy Prophet (saws) in this holy month of Rabi'ul Awwal.

Allahumma salli Muhammadin wa ala alihi Muhammadin wa sallim.
O' Allah bless Muhammad (saws) and the Family of Muhammad (saws).

Allahu Allahu Allah,
Allahu Allahu Allah,
Allahu Allahu Allah.

Allahumma salli wa sallim ala,
Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhis salam.
Salatan tadumu wa tugh da ilayh,
Mammara la yali wa tu la dawam.

The Holy Prophet (saws) is the True Servant of the Most Powerful.

O Allah, send benediction upon and salute on the Essence of Divine Mercy, the Accomplished Ruby encompassing the center of comprehensions and meanings, the Light of all created universes, the Adamic (pertaining to or suggestive of Adam (alayhis salam)) who possesses Lordly Truth; the all-filling Lightning in the rain-clouds of gains that fill all the intervening seas and receptacles; Your Bright Light with which You have filled Your creation and which surrounds all possible places. O Allah,bless and salute the Essence of Truth from which are manifested the thrones of realities; the Essence of the Most Righteous Knowledge, Your Complete and Most Straight Path. O Allah, bless and salute the Advent of the Truth by the Truth; the Greatest Treasure, Your Outpouring from Yourself to Yourself; the Encompassment of Talismanic Light. May Allah bless the Prophet and his household, a prayer which brings us to knowledge of him.


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