Sham ash-Shareef!

Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem.

Ya Sayyidi irhamlana, ya Sayyidi irhamlana!
Ya Sayyidi irhamlana, ya Sayyidi irhamlana!

O Master, be merciful towards us!

O Almighty Allah! Let us go to Sham ash-Shareef! Let us wait for Sayyidina Shabi-uz-Zaman, Sayyidina Imam Mahdi alaihi salam! The time is no near O Allah! Let us be with Your Loved Ones and Your Friends! Allah! Allah! Allah! O Allah send blessings and peace upon Your Most Beloved One! La ilaha il Allah Muhammadur rasool Allah. Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! O Allah grant us an opening for Sham ash-Shareef! Let us wait for Sayyidina Imam Mahdi alaihi Salam! Let him come and clear all the evils from this earth! Ameen Ya Rabb al-Alameen!

O Winds! If someday you pass by the sacred land,
Do give my greetings (salaam) at the Blessed Grave where the most exalted Prophet rests


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