Peace and Harmony!

Allah, Allah.
Allah, Allah.
Allah, Allah.
Azeez Allah!

O Humanity! Let us try to live in peace and harmony with each other. The Prophet (s) taught the best of manners. Respect, humbleness, love, mercy, obedience, compassion, kindness, and sincerity. Sayyidah Aisha (radi Allahu ta'ala anha) said that the Prophet (s) was the Holy Quran personified. Clearly, he had the best of manners. We must try to follow him.

O Allah, we ask You in the presence of the loved ones of the Prophet (s) who are in the presence of the Prophet (s) who is in Your Presence, that You help us carry the burden of our egos, to purify our egos as none can purify them except You O Allah! 


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