Why is the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal so special?

The Holy Prophet of Islam and Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was born on 12th Rabi'ul Awwal. His birth took place in Makkah. His name 'Muhammad' means "the Praised One". He is the Praised one from pre-eternity. There is no need for him to have the praising of the nations as he is praised by his Lord Almighty Himself. What are we giving of praise and thank to him? When you compare this praise with the praise and honour that Allah Almighty has given him and is giving him still, it is like an atom in a huge Ocean. Even if the whole of creation glorifies, honours, and praises him it would only be like a little dot through and endless Ocean in comparison to what Allah Almighty gives him.

Allah Almighty is praising Muhammad (saws) without end for the sake of his honour. Mankind however is heedless, ignorant or envious of the rights of that most Beloved One of Allah. They should all be in need of him and one day in need of his shafaah (intercession). We are all getting closer to the Day of Judgement which will be given to all nations, to all people, and to all His servants.

Every year, on the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal, we celebrate his birthday very humbly. Every year we see the Islamic World, and we see that with every passing year they are giving less respect to this Beloved One, because of their wrong understanding. Those who give less respect to him will lose their respect both here and in the hereafter.

Respect is one thing and worship is something else. Today, everyone knows whom we should worship and also they know how to respect Rasool Allah (saws) because Allah Almighty ordered His servants to respect His Beloved Prophet. But these foolish ones are bringing bidaat (innovations) into Islam. They are making the Muslims into Mushriks (one who associates partners with his Lord) and because of these people the weak Muslims are fearing to show their respect for the Prophet (saws). They are so very fearful, and we ask them "what is the reason that you are so afraid to show your respect to the Prophet by reciting Salawat (recitation or prayer asking for blessing from Allah Almighty on the Prophet Muhammad on whom be peace).

Allah gives Salawat to His Beloved Muhammad (saws) ceaselessly [Quran: Al-Ahzab Chapter 33: Verse 56]. We are only giving Salawat perhaps once daily, twice, ten times, hundred times, or may be a thousand times. But Allah Almighty's Salawat is endless and is forever. It is everlasting and so do His Angels give Salawat to the Prophet (saws). How are you able to say “don’t recite Salawat”. What is this foolishness from these reformers? That is unbelief (kufr) from them. Allah Almighty says, “Oh Moomins (faithful believers), say Salawat and give your respect to My Most Beloved and Most Praised One”. But they say, “No, don’t do it, it is haram (forbidden), it is bidaat (innovation)". What is this folly? The minds of people today are being dirtied by these reformers.

The Holy Prophet (saws) is the Greatest from Creation forever. Milad/Mawlid un-Nabi (saws) is a humble celebration and we hope that it is accepted by Allah Almighty. We ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness as we are not doing our best for His Beloved Servant Muhammad (saws).

Speech by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil ar-Rabbani (may Allah bless his soul and exalt his secret).

For the honour of the Prophet (saws), the righteous Companions, the Prophets and Messengers, the four Imams, our Shaykhs in the Naqshbandi Path, and all the righteous!



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