
Showing posts from December, 2014

Why is the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal so special?

The Holy Prophet of Islam and Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was born on 12th Rabi'ul Awwal. His birth took place in Makkah. His name 'Muhammad' means "the Praised One". He is the Praised one from pre-eternity. There is no need for him to have the praising of the nations as he is praised by his Lord Almighty Himself. What are we giving of praise and thank to him? When you compare this praise with the praise and honour that Allah Almighty has given him and is giving him still, it is like an atom in a huge Ocean. Even if the whole of creation glorifies, honours, and praises him it would only be like a little dot through and endless Ocean in comparison to what Allah Almighty gives him. Allah Almighty is praising Muhammad (saws) without end for the sake of his honour. Mankind however is heedless, ignorant or envious of the rights of that most Beloved One of Allah. They should all be in need of him and one day in need of his shafaah (intercession). We...

O' Muhammad (saws)! If it were not for you, there would be no Heavens nor Earth!

Blessings, peace, happiness and contentment, satisfaction and gratification, and immense love of Allah Almighty be upon the Holy Prophet (saws) in this holy month of Rabi'ul Awwal. Allahumma salli Muhammadin wa ala alihi Muhammadin wa sallim. O' Allah bless Muhammad (saws) and the Family of Muhammad (saws). Allahu Allahu Allah, Allahu Allahu Allah, Allahu Allahu Allah. Allahumma salli wa sallim ala, Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhis salam. Salatan tadumu wa tugh da ilayh, Mammara la yali wa tu la dawam. The Holy Prophet (saws) is the True Servant of the Most Powerful. O Allah, send benediction upon and salute on the Essence of Divine Mercy, the Accomplished Ruby encompassing the center of comprehensions and meanings, the Light of all created universes, the Adamic (pertaining to or suggestive of Adam (alayhis salam)) who possesses Lordly Truth; the all-filling Lightning in the rain-clouds of gains that fill all the intervening seas and receptacles; Your Bright Light w...

The Song of Love

Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem, Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem, Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem. Allahumma salli wa sallim ala, nabyina Muhammad alayhis salam. Salatan tadumu wa tughda ilayh, mammarra layali wa tu la dawam. The raindrops, rivers, and oceans. The leaves, the branches, and the trees. The grass, the ground, and the earth.The nucleons, the electrons, and the atoms. The solar system, galaxies, and all the heavenly universes. The Jinns, Mankind, and the Angels. Everything is in praise to the Lord of the Worlds, Allah, Glory and Praise be to Him, and is sending blessings on the Holy Prophet (saws). O Allah! Exalt Muhammad with blessings that deliver us from every fear, and by means of them fulfill our every need, and purify us by means of them from every sin, and by means of them raise us to the highest stations, and by means of them make us attain the furthest degrees in all that is good in this life and in the life after death. In this month of Rabi...

Fill the room with the Light of Muhammad (saws)!

Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem. In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. First of all, all praise be to Allah, the Fashioner of Beauty and the Lord of our Master Muhammad (saws)! There is no might, no power, and nothing worthy of worship but Allah! Allah is Great! Glory be to Allah! Praise be to Allah! La illaha il Allah Muhammadur rasool Allah. There is no God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O' Allah. O' Allah. O' Allah, everything that we do, make our intention to do it just to please You! Fill the room with the Light of Muhammad (saws)! With fragrance like musk, and purity like Kawthar. Dispel the darkness, the foolish darkness. Let the secrets of Zam Zam flow into the heart, shine it like a heavenly pearl, a dome of light, the destination for every seeker. The heart or the Kaba? The Sun or the candle? Fill, fill, O' Filler of Purity! Deny entrance to the whispers of the fool. The doors are the ears. The heart i...

To Whom Is This Universe?

If the sons of Adam (as) could give an answer to this question the world would be in peace and serenity. Everybody would know their limit and their way. Why are they not teaching this in our schools? Because if they learn this, then everyone will know their limit and the world will be at rest. Those who don’t say, “Allah” have turned the whole world into Jehennum (Hell). And this spreading fire is now burning every house and all it contains. The shrieks of the sons of Adam (as), try to find an echo - an answer - an authority and a shelter that can be believed in. Belief will save humanity. And unbelief will finish it. O Man use your mind, make peace with faith, and return to being a servant of Allah! This is the ultimate advice. Now concerning the skies – last night on the TV the latest news showed strange pictures. A satellite that was shot into space sent back pictures to earth that proved there are 3 stars in space that resemble the Earth, exactly. These 3 new worlds,...

O' Allah the Support!

Beginning with "La illaha il Allah Muhammadur rasool Allah". There is no God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. "Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem". In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful." O' Allah You are The Support! Support us O' our Lord, Lord of Supreme Majesty, Lord of Infinite Magnificence. All the heavens and earth are nothing in Your Presence! Support us O' Allah with support that will never end, and with support that never finishes! O' Creator of Love, what are we in the presence of Your Beloved, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws)! He is Your Servant, He is the Messenger of Truth, he is Your Messenger! In his presence we will melt from the intensity of Your Love for him! You created us O' Allah, show us the straight path, the path of those whom You have bestowed Your Favour, not of those who have gone astray, nor evoked Your Anger. We are nothing O' Allah. All the praise we do through the prayers ...

Reality of the Awrad (Spiritual Practices)

Grand Shaykh (Shaykh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Daghestani, may Allah exalt his secret) said, " If someone reads Fatiha , he will not leave this world without attaining those Divine Favors that are hidden behind the meaning of the Fatiha which enable him to reach a state of submission to Allah, Almighty and Exalted. The blessings that Allah has sent down with the Fatiha when it was revealed to the Prophet (s) will never cease, and will last forever, with the one who recites the Fatiha. No one is able to know how much blessings there are except Allah and His Messenger (s). Whoever recites surat al-Fatiha, with the intention of sharing in these tajallis, will attain a high position and a great rank. And whoever recites without this intention, gets general Divine Favors only. This surah possesses innumerable and limitless stations (maqamat) in the Sight of Allah, Who is Powerful and Sublime. He will enter the Circle of Security in the Presence of Allah Almighty and Exalted, and he will r...

Spiritual Practices for the Seeker

Life Support for the Seeker Recite Madad Al-Haqq 200 times. The Daily Awrad  (Spiritual Practices) 1.      3X-Shahada three times; 2.      7OX -Astaghfirullah 3.      1X- Fatiha  one time with the intention of participating in the blessings sent down with it when it was revealed in Makka. 4.      Amana-r-Rasul ( Surat 2, verses 285-286 ), one time. Whoever recites this ayat, will attain a high rank and a great position. He will get the Safety of al-Aman, in this world and the next. 5.      7X- Inshira  (Surah 94) 7 times. 6.      11X- Ikhlas  (Surah 112) 11 times. Whoever recites this Surah, must obtain the tajalli of the two Names of Glory, al-Ahad (the One), and as-Samad (the Eternal). Anyone who reads it, must get a portion of this tajalli. 7.      1X- Falaq  (Surah 113) 1 time; 8.  ...

Plea for Acceptance - Tawassul

O' lord of the Masters and Light of Creation! O' refuge of the one who has been stricken by affliction, distress, and pain. O' closest of means (to approach) Allah (Exalted is He!). O' most powerful of support. I entreat your mighty presence by (means of) these maste rs and the People of Allah and your honoured family, for the removal of harm that cannot be removed except by your intercession, and the lifting of affliction that cannot be lifted except by your guidance, by my master and lord, O' Master, O' Emissary of Allah, O' Mercy to the Worlds. Al-Fatihah.

Excellence of Durood Shareef

The message of Allah Ta'ala to Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) has come down to us in the form of the Holy Quran and the teachings of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) have reached us in the form of the Ahadith. Let us see what both the Holy Quran and Ahadith say about Durood Shareef (Salawat): Innal llaha wa Malaa'ikatahu Yu salluna allan nabiyi. Ya Ayyuhal lazeena aamanu sallu alaihi wasallimu tasleema. Almighty Allah says: "Surely Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim). O you who believe! Send Blessings (Durood) and Salutations (Salaams) on the Prophet with worthy Salutation".(Surah al-Ahzab: 56) In this verse of the Holy Quran, Almighty Allah, His Malaa'ikah and the Muslims have been mentioned as sending Durood upon Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim). So, Durood Shareef is actually "a Du'a in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (...

Come, come, whoever you are!

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.”  ―  Rumi “Knock, And He'll open the door Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.”  ―  Rumi