Why is the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal so special?
The Holy Prophet of Islam and Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was born on 12th Rabi'ul Awwal. His birth took place in Makkah. His name 'Muhammad' means "the Praised One". He is the Praised one from pre-eternity. There is no need for him to have the praising of the nations as he is praised by his Lord Almighty Himself. What are we giving of praise and thank to him? When you compare this praise with the praise and honour that Allah Almighty has given him and is giving him still, it is like an atom in a huge Ocean. Even if the whole of creation glorifies, honours, and praises him it would only be like a little dot through and endless Ocean in comparison to what Allah Almighty gives him. Allah Almighty is praising Muhammad (saws) without end for the sake of his honour. Mankind however is heedless, ignorant or envious of the rights of that most Beloved One of Allah. They should all be in need of him and one day in need of his shafaah (intercession). We...