Change Suffering to Pleasure

Mawlana Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshbandi, Sohbat June 7, 1984. 

Audhu billahi min ash-shaitani rajim 
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim 
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi l-Aliyyu l-Azeem

By the name of Allah Almighty, All Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Munificent. The Lord of sons of Adam, our Lord, the Lord of Worlds, the Lord of Universes, O my Lord, O my God, O my Almighty Allah, we are weak servants. I am not asking to give us patience. Understanding patience? Sabr, patience. I am free, because we can't carry to be patient. Therefore, I am asking our Lord's favours, always to be thankful to Allah Almighty. Or, to be patient, it is for Prophets and for awliyas, not everyone. We are abidu ihsan. We are saying in Arabic, abidu ihsan. We are servants for His favours. We can't carry heavy burdens on ourselves. But whole anbiyas from beginning up to end, whole prophets, they were carrying their nations' heavy burdens. All of them patient people, and thankful people to their Lord. Ma'dhalik, even though everyone is mostly in need to be patient. Allah Almighty just created Adam, peace be upon him, from mud, clay before blowing in him from His Holy Spirit, was lying in paradise. Allah Almighty leaving to fall on Adam's body matar huzn, 40 years. Sadness, suffering-rain raining on him 40 years. And then one year raining on him pleasure- raining. Therefore, in front 40 years only one year thankful. 40 years you must be patient. Yes. You may find through 40 events suffering you, and one coming making you pleased, pleasure. And that is the rule for sons of Adam on earth through their life. They must change sufferings into pleasure. Important to change sufferings into pleasure. Who can do that? You can't change sufferings by drinking spirits and wines. And you think that we change it in pleasure? That madness, because it is getting more to be suffered. But what is the way that you may change sufferings into pleasures? And one of important purposes of prophets, it is to teach people how they can change their sufferings into pleasure. We have a saying from holy Prophet, peace be upon him and it is the same word that Adam just spoke and gave to his sons. That is spiritual pleasure. 

Body may suffer, but if you can do your soul to be free, that is your pleasure changing your bodily suffering into pleasure. We are living in a time that people mostly suffering. Just I came to England, to London. Every day so many people coming and saying or complaining from sufferings. And it is rule for sons of Adam to suffer through their lives and particularly in our time whole people going to be suffered. The last Prophet also, peace be upon him just came to teach people how they may change their sufferings into pleasure. You may do it by saying holy words, you may do it by your thinking about your Lord or making meditation and you may do it by your works, by your actions. The most important thing you may take yourself out of this life, by the way of meditation. As much as you can do that, you may find yourself in another world. Firstly, you may find yourself or you may put yourself only spiritually out of this life. But when you are going to be improved more than this, then you may take your body also with your soul in another world and you may be there as much as you like to be. We are in need for practicing from first step, to go up because it is important for our physical body and spiritual body. And the first step which makes us to be pleasure, to be pleased the holy word that Allah Almighty sending to His servants from beginning, from Adam, alaihi salatu wa salam, peace be upon him, and every prophet just said it and ordering to their nations to say it. That is: There is no God but Allah. As original words, “La ilaha illa-Allah”. Because it is written in heavens in that words, “La ilaha illa-Allah". There is no God but Allah. This holy word makes in our hearts pleasure, makes when you are repeating. Any time you're repeating, you may take pleasure in your heart. To repeat holy words gives us pleasure and makes us to be in another atmosphere, quickly changing around us circling a Holy Condition, Holy Atmosphere. Then we may do by our actions that it is going to give us satisfaction and peace in our hearts. And whole prayings gives us satisfaction and pleasure. Even all around us may be suffering, but you may be in atmosphere full of pleasure. Then you may do that more wider by meditation. Whole prophets just did it and all awliyas doing that. Just did it and doing also. When you are taking yourself from this atmosphere full with sufferings, you may find yourself in Divine Presence full with pleasure because in Divine Presence there is an endless Pleasure Ocean. And you can reach to that ocean, even you can take one spot of pleasure, suffering or sad during this life, or next. Forever. You must try to take even one smallest part from that Pleasure Oceans because no suffering oceans but endless Pleasure Oceans in Divine Presence. That meditation giving your physical body pleasure because when your heart going to be full with pleasure, every spot of blood running through your blood vessels, bringing pleasure to every cell of your body. For the first step of meditation you are going to listen your heart what saying. You may listen and you may hear that your heart going to say: Allah, Allah, Allah. 

That giving pleasure to you, to your heart, to every spot of your blood and giving pleasure from up, to end. As much as you can practice to be out of this atmosphere, and to enter in Divinely Atmosphere that you can find it everywhere, same time. Therefore, Prophet, peace be upon him, just spoke about a group of people from his nation whom never going to be suffered. Every suffering may be on earth among people but always they are going to be above that level. Therefore, whole practicing that prophets brought us for worshipping and for dhikr helping us to take ourselves from suffering level to pleasure's level. I was with my Grandsheikh in Mecca, Allah gives more honor to Mecca and who going there, dressing them more honor. And we were going around Holy Kaaba. And people quarrelling and pushing and pulling there. And suddenly taking my arm and I was up above them. I found myself with my Grandsheikh on top level, these people, they are turning. And I was with my Grandsheikh among people. They are calm people, white dressed people, even as if they are angels. No one giving any harm to second one. They are like butterflies. Downstairs fighting too much people with each other and there butterflies, like this like this. I never looked where their feet on it. And Grandsheikh saying, "Look up". Also third one, fourth one, at the same direction up to heavens, full with servants of our Lord. They are also sons of Adam and also angels up to to Bayt-ul Mamur. The first heaven's holy Kaaba for them. Those people, their level he showed me. When they are leaving these quarrelling people's level and getting up the second level, calm peaceful level. They have world also. Their world is not this world. They have a world. If they are going, when you are going to be content with everything, you may move same time from here to their world, to their countries also, to their territories. They are calm people. These, our egos, riding on us. Those people, they are riding on their egos. Therefore, they are calm. Here we are fighting and quarrelling. There no, no fighting. Everyone knows his way. wa kullun fi falaki yasbahun (36:40) Everyone running on his private orbit. No one harming each other. They are Budala, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Awtad, Akhyar. Five groups of people living in their places in behind of Jabali Qaf, mount of Qaf. Then, who training, as Prophet bringing us, who following these steps of Prophets or who following the steps of inheritors of Prophets - I mean to say who following awliya, they are reaching to that territory also. No suffering, no sadness. They have been taken from endless Pleasure Oceans. Raining on them Pleasure Oceans. From Pleasure Oceans raining on them. The way is open for us also. But when you are listening to your ego, you can't do that. As much as you are listening from your nafs, you can't reach. Therefore Allah Almighty saying, "Leave your nafs and come to Me. Don't come to Me with that crying, shouting dog, barking dog.

Leave it and come." That is important to know. That, whole prophets coming to teach us. And we are in a holy month. It is a good chance for everyone, or for those whom asking to reach to that calm place, calm territory, or to reach endless Pleasure Oceans, even a spot. When a person reaching even in a spot from that Pleasure Oceans, never going to be sad here or Hereafter. No more sadness, no more sufferings for him. And it is a good chance for us to reach to that point by practicing during holy Ramadan, during fasting time. And therefore, Allah Almighty ordered from beginning of the first man up to end one, for changing their sufferings into pleasure, the way goes through fasting, because fasting makes you to ride on your ego. And you can't reach to that territory by vessels, by planes, by comets, by rockets. Never. Never reaching. You can reach only on your ego. That is important knowledge that everyone may be in need. Because suffering just cover everywhere of this world. And if you are not suffering by yourself but by looking every day's news on televisions, on broadcasting, on newspapers, on magazines, you are looking and reading or hearing so millions or billions people suffering and you are not from rock-built person, you have at least a heart, and you are going to be suffered. Therefore, we are in need for such a knowledge, so that sometimes we may leave that suffering level and taking our heads out as a person falling in sea and coming out to take breath. We must be in need for such methods by saying, or acting, or meditating. We must know this. Therefore, if we are not taking ourselves time by time, even minutes out from this level, then too much oppressed and we are quickly coming down and destroying ourselves. Therefore, even daily we must give time for saying some holy words. In your language you may say. You may say "O my Lord," you may say "Ya Wadud". I am saying to people with which name commonly we may do dhikr. Grandsheikh just told me to say "Ya Wadud, Ya Wadud". It is very sweet-full name because that name signing our Lord's Love and means He gives to everyone from His Divinely Love. Allah Almighty just gave to every creature from His Divinely Love. And that holy name improving or improves people into levels of love. For approaching for Divinely Presence you may do that every day. Even from 100 times, "Ya Wadud". If you can do that alone and in a calm place or through nighttime, taking you from a suffering world into pleasure world, full with pleasure. Gives you. And that 100 time, it is going to be enough for you for carrying sadness from you during 24 hours, to make sajda for who knows to make sajda, or to stand on their knees and making like this, also doesn't matter. To be with his Lord, Christians or Jewish people also, they may do that connection with their Lords. Saying "O my Lord, you are my Lord and I am standing in your Divine Presence". Makes him happy and peaceful and he may do also meditation for a few minutes. As much as he can do that, taking himself from this atmosphere in Divinely Atmosphere. 

And that meditation carrying whole burdens from his shoulders. Throwing away. So that we are in need most necessary for everyone who asking to change his sufferings into pleasure or taking away the sadness and to change his sadness into pleasure must keep such a practicing. And that is a simple practicing. Then when he is improving in such a practicing, sometimes he may find himself, someone catching from his arm and putting in that Holy Lands. In Holy Lands, raining pleasure, from Pleasure Oceans raining. And we are saying: Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, wa Shukrulillah. This gives us pleasure. As much as you may repeat it, you may find pleasure. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah because we are saying that "O our Lord, we are pleased with you." And He makes us to be pleased. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah. Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah and this takes you away from sufferings. Allah makes us Hu… In endless Pleasure Oceans. Ameen. And takes away from ourselves sufferings and from our circle, from our around also. 

Bi hurmati-l Habib, bi hurmati-l Fatiha.


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