The Story of Prophet al-Yasa'
Allah (SWT) has mentioned him along with other prophets in soorat al-An'am, saying: "And Isma'eel, and al-Yasa', and Yoonus and Loot, and each of them We preferred above the humankind and jinn." (Qur'an 6: 86) Allah, the Exalted, has further mentioned him in Soorat Sad: "And remember Isma'eel, al-Yasa', and Dhul-Kifl; all are among the best." (Qur'an 38: 48) Muhammad ibn Is-haq has reported al-Hasan al-Basri as saying: al-Yasa' came after Ilyas. He stayed among his people for as long as Allah willed, inviting them to the way of Allah and following the Sharia revealed to Ilyas (as), until his death. Then, evil actions spread among the people, including transgression. They even killed their prophet. Ibn Asakir has said that his lineage was al-Yasa' ibn 'Adi ibn Shootlam ibn Afratheem ibn Yoosuf ibn Ya'qoob ibn Is-haq ibn Ibraheem. It has been said that he was the cousin of prophet Ilyas. It has been mentio...