
Showing posts from April, 2016

Answer to the Complaint

When passion streaming from the heart turns human lips to lyres, Some magic wings man’s music then, his song with soul inspires;  Man’s words are sacred then, they soar, The ears of heaven they seek, From dust those mortal accents rise, Immortals hear them speak; So wild and wayward was my Love, such tumult raised its sighs, Before its daring swiftly fell the ramparts of the skies.  The skies exclaimed in wonderment, “Some one is hiding here,” The wheeling Planets paused to say, “Seek on the highest sphere.”  The silver Moon said, “You are wrong, Some mortal it must be,” The Milky Way too joined converse, “Here in our midst is he.’’  Rizwan alone, my plaintive voice began to recognise, He knew me for a human who had lost his Paradise.  And even the Angels could not tell what was that voice so strange, Whose secret seemed to lie beyond Celestial wisdom’s range.  They said, “Can Man now roving come and reach these regions high? That tiny s...

Dua of Saint of Rajab

This is the  du’a  of the  Saint of Rajab . to be read 3x daily as prescribed by our Grandshaykh Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim and his deputy Shaykh Hisham al-Kabbani. a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytani ‘r-rajeem The  du`a  is: Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem Allahuma innee istaghfiruka min kulli maa tubtu lahu ilayka thumma `udtu feeh. wa istaghfiruka min kulli maa `aradtu bihi wajhika wa-khaalatanee feehi maa laysa feehi ridaak. wa istaghfiruk li-ni`am allatee taqawwaytu biha `ala ma`aseeyatik. wa istaghfiruka min adh-dhunoob allatee laa ya`lamahu ghayruka wa laa yattali`u `alayha ahadun siwaak wa laa yasa`uha illa rahmatika wa laa tunjee minha illa maghfiratuka wa hilmuka. laa ilaha illa-Anta, subhaanak! innee kuntu min azh-zhaalimeen. Allahuma innee istaghfiruka min kulli zhulmin zhalamtu bihi `ibadaka. Fa ayyamaa `abdin min `ibaadik aw `amatin min ‘imaa’ika zhalamtu fee badanihi aw `irdihi aw maalihi fa `atihi min khazaa’inik allatee laa tanqus. Wa...