Adhan al-Muhammadi (s)
I am sad. Why? Because of something that you are not being careful about. Even though you are claiming you are Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama`a. What is it? Adhan. The name of adhan is "Adhan Muhammadi" (s). So how can the muezzin forget to say Salawat for Rasulallah (s) after adhan? Those few words are for the honor of Muhammad (s). And I do not think that I am coming to you next year if you do not give Salawat after adhan. You may forget me, I am not coming to you. Finished. Every year I am repeating that we are Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama`a. You are also saying you are Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama`a, but you are acting like Wahhabis, not reading "As-Salat was-Salam" for Rasulallah (s) after the adhan. Therefore I am disappointed. And even if sometimes you are coming and saying "As-Salat was Salam" for Rasulullah(s), you are acting like Wahhabis, telling your muezzin not to give Salawat. I may go from East to West, but not to you if you are saying that. Sometimes sma...